Teaching piano to very young children

How do you get a child as young as 5 years old to play the piano? How can you teach them notes in both keys in the first few weeks when they can't read?

Nothing is more important than the human approach, especially with very young children. The playful aspect, despite the need to learn the notes, will always be privileged. Be in the "doing" rather than the "saying". The very young child must be kept busy every second so that he can discover the sound of the melodies he sketches under his chubby fingers, all in a good mood and with confidence. As soon as he wants to play the melodies I play for him and he understands that this involves learning the notes and rhythm, everything will evolve rapidly and smoothly. At this young age, the presence of one of his parents at his side during the lesson reassures him while giving him the pleasure of taking him into "his" musical world.

Teaching children from 7 to 12 years

Like the children you will discover by watching the videos on this site, you will realise that there can be pleasure in the effort! All these young people have understood that only the daily presence in front of the piano, which can only increase in terms of timing, will bring the most spectacular results in a minimum of time. I put these students on the piano a year and a half ago, two of them nine months ago. But when the latter two took the Claude Kahn International Competition last March, in a level that corresponds to ten years of piano, I had given them 24 hours of lessons.

Teaching adolescents

The media highlight dazzling progress (Star Academy, M6 Nouvelle star). The teenager, wanting to start an instrument, imagines that he will reach a good level in a few months. My role is to make him understand that with effort and perseverance, it is quite possible. To stimulate his motivation, I suggest a whole repertoire adapted to him: film music, variety music, reduced piano music, pieces chosen from among the most famous classical music. There is no such thing as good or bad music. Whatever the style of music, the requirement will be the same. The simple fact of coordinating the independence of the hands with rhythm, phrasing and nuances, all require fruitful efforts.

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